Irena Pivka, Brane Zorman: garden GOround

AR soundwalk, 50 min
24 and 25 Nov, at 16:30
Tomšič tree avenue, Ljubljana

A testimony form one of the participants of the AR soundwalk:
It was like being a little weightless, with the boundaries between reality and fiction seemingly blurred.”

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TO)pot festival opening

Tetiana Khoroshun: Landscape_people
live sound event, 15 min
Wednesday, 25 Sep, 11:30
Cukrarna, lobby

You are invited to the opening of the TOpot Festival!

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TO)pot Festival of radical soundwalks

Festival of radical soundwalks
25–29 Sep 2024
Cukrarna and public spaces


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Nika van Berkel, Karmen Ponikvar: Zeleni atrij mesta

zvočni sprehod, 60 min
sreda, 25. 9., 17.00 (predpremiera)
sreda, 25. 9., 18.00 (premiera in pogovor z umetnicama, Milošem Koscem in Karmen Stariha)
petek, 27. 9., 18.00
sobota, 28. 9., 11.00
nedelja, 29. 9., 12.00
Plečnikov stadion, Dunajska c.

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Spiro Mason, Rene Markovič: Zvočna arheologija notranjega glasu

performativni zvočni sprehod, zvočna zanka
sreda, 25. 9., 12.00 (premiera)
sreda–sobota, 25.–28. 9., 14.00–16.00
Cukrarna, stopnišče

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Sava šumi: Pol.monolog z intervencijami

peripatetično predavanje in zvočni sprehod, 30 min
četrtek, 26. 9., 12.00
Cukrarna in okolica

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Urša Sekirnik, Jou Serra: Fent cua / While Waiting

participatory walk, 40 min
Wednesday, 18 Sep, at 17:15 and 18:30
Cukrarna, lobby

Queuing and waiting – an imposed break in our daily lives.

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Brane Zorman: The Tree Spirits | Touch

ambisonic live sound event
4 Sep, at 18:00
part of Share-ploring Spatial Audio, ARS Electronica
Linz Institute of Technology

The project Share-ploring Spatial Audio is dedicated to breaking down the barriers between complex spatial audio technologies and the creators who can benefit most from them.

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beepblip, augenmas: Memodrom

soundwalk, 60 min
Sunday, 1 Sep, 18:30 (premiere)
Monday, 2 Sep, 18:30
Breg 1, Ivan Hribar statue

The Memodrom soundwalk is a compost of memories of the most beautiful city in the world.

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Blaž Režonja: Sounds of Slovenian primeval forests and forest reserves

Tuesday, 27 Aug, at 12:30
AGRA fair 2024, Gornja Radgona

Presentation of research project by Cona’s last year’s stipend reciever Blaž Režonja.

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